About Us/Write For Us

The Libertarian Crier seeks to bring you the most current news and the facts behind it. We work hard trying to verify all sources before we publish. Please realize we are not perfect and mistakes do happen.

The owner of this site strongly believes in personal liberty and wants to encourage others to discuss, share, and help each other to build a stronger nation.
If we all can enlighten even just few people, and help them awaken to what has happened to our country, we can make this a better place for all of us.

We are also currently looking for fresh material from people of all walks of life. If you have an article that pertains to news our readers would enjoy please consider submitting to us through our email [email protected].
We only accept original work, and please provide sources.

Please note, at this time we are not able to pay for any article submissions. Though this is something we are hoping to do in the near future.

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